Common Causes of Tooth Ache and Cavities – Five things to do in order to avoid cavities

Brush With Fluoride Toothpaste Fluoride is something that can strengthen the teeth and prevent cavities. Many kinds of toothpaste contain fluoride so consider switching to a fluoride toothpaste for extra protection against tooth decay. Go To Regular Check-Ups Every Six Months At Complete Smiles Dental in Queens. We can help to avoid cavities with regular …

Brush With Fluoride Toothpaste Fluoride is something that can strengthen the teeth and prevent cavities. Many kinds of toothpaste contain fluoride so consider switching to a fluoride toothpaste for extra protection against tooth decay.

Go To Regular Check-Ups Every Six Months
At Complete Smiles Dental in Queens. We can help to avoid cavities with regular check-ups. It is important to go to check-ups every six months for a routine cleaning. The dentist can thoroughly check the mouth for cavities. The dentist can catch a cavity early and patch it up before it gets worse. Skipping these appointments means a cavity could go undetected and grow progressively worse until it is painful and large.

Brush Teeth After Every Meal
Brushing the teeth after every meal is important to remove the food from the teeth. If the food is not removed then plaque will grow on the teeth. The plaque will wear away at the enamel on the teeth if it is left to its own devices. As soon as the enamel is worn away a cavity will begin to form. Brush not only every day but after every meal to be sure that the mouth stays clean.

Floss Daily
It is important to also get the food out from in between the teeth through flossing. Tiny food particles can easily get caught in between the teeth and the only way to remove them is through flossing. When a person does not floss it is very common for them to get a cavity in between two teeth.

Eat Less Sugar
The plaque that wears down the enamel on the teeth and eventually causes cavities feeds on sugars to survive and multiply. Make the mouth a less friendly environment for plaque growth by consuming less sugar and eating more vegetables instead during snack time.


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