What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is an orthodontic procedure that straightens teeth in the matter of months. Invisalign trays are nearly invisible, include no metal that gradually move your teeth into place. Every tray is custom made to fit your teeth. They are designed to gradually shift your teeth. In our office we came up with the best way …

Invisalign is an orthodontic procedure that straightens teeth in the matter of months. Invisalign trays are nearly invisible, include no metal that gradually move your teeth into place. Every tray is custom made to fit your teeth. They are designed to gradually shift your teeth.

In our office we came up with the best way to make you comfortable. We now offer digital scans which makes the whole process faster and easier! We partnered up with invisalign and decided to use a digital scanner called iTero. iTero is a digital scanner that generates for you the before and after without a clincheck! Pictures will be sent out to invisalign within 24-48 hrs instead of 2 weeks with delivery. Digital impressions will be taken by scanner, instead of traditional impression material.

Invisalign is a faster and better way of treating orthodontic work but without metal braces! It decreases chances of getting cavities because of how comfortable it is with removing the clear tray while eating, and being able to floss. Many patients that have had metal braces in previous years have came in complaining of cavities, sensitivity in teeth. Invisalign was created to avoid that, and we at Complete Smiles Dental are here to help!


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